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Bee Pollen: What the benefits?
Bee pollen is a super nutritious food that in a short time, can make you feel full of energy and improve yourself and your mood .
What's in it?
Pollen collected by bees is rich in protein (about 40% protein), free amino acids, vitamins, including B complex and folic acid. In fact, it is more rich in proteins than any other source of animal origin.
About half of the protein it contains is in the form of free amino acids, which are ready to be used immediately by our body.
What benefits?
1. Gives energy
It is a natural stimulant, as the carbohydrates, proteins and B vitamins it contains help with daily running and strengthen the body's endurance
2. Soothes skin diseases
Bee pollen is often used in products that treat inflammatory conditions and simple skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Its amino acids and vitamins protect the skin and help in cell regeneration.
3. It helps the respiratory system
The high amount of antioxidants it contains can also have an anti-inflammatory effect on lung tissues, preventing the onset of asthma.
4. Heals allergies
Pollen reduces the presence of histamine, leading to the remission of allergies
5. It is good for the digestive system
In addition to vitamins, minerals and proteins, pollen contains some enzymes that can aid in digestion.
6. Strengthens immunity
Pollen is good for your intestinal flora and therefore strengthens the immune system. It is thought to have antibiotic-like properties and can protect the body from viruses. Also, they are rich in antioxidants, which protect cells from free radicals.
7. Supports the cardiovascular system
Pollen contains large amounts of rutin, an antioxidant bioflavonoid that helps strengthen blood vessels, helps with circulatory problems and corrects cholesterol levels. Also, its strong anticoagulant properties can help prevent heart attack and stroke.
8. It helps with infertility problems
Pollen stimulates and restores ovarian function, which can be used to help speed up pregnancy. In addition to enhancing hormone production, it is also an excellent aphrodisiac.