Why is pressure measurement important?
According to statistical surveys inGreece ones in four adults is hypertensive and in fact withpeople over 65 years of age hypertension is more common with the percentage reaching 50%. Hypertension significantly increases the risk for cardiovascular disease, i.e. coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and blockage of arteries in the legs. Besides measuring of pressure there is no other way to diagnose hypertension and select people who need long-term antihypertensive treatment. Elevated pressure usually causes no symptoms and is diagnosed only by random measurement or when a cardiovascular event occurs.
How should the pressure be measured?
Both in the doctor's office and at home, the pressure measurement must be done with the correct methodology.
- The patient should be calm, sitting for 3-5 minutes, with the back resting on the back of the seat, the arm relaxed and supported on a table and the middle of the arm approximately at the level of the heart.
- Usually 2 measurements are taken with an interval of 1 minute.
- The sphygmomanometer must be reliable and the cuff appropriate for the arm size. If the arm circumference is 30cm or more, then a large cuff is needed.
At Omron and Microlife you can find reliable digital blood pressure monitors (arm or wrist) that allow you to easily and accurately request your pressure from the comfort of home!