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    Superfoods Milk Thistle (50caps) - Thistle  Liver Detoxification
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    Price: 13.93 €
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    Solgar Milk Thistle (100veg.caps) - Liver Protection, Detoxification  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 31.65 €
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    Solgar Milk Thistle (50veg.caps) - Liver Protection, Detoxification  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 18.84 €
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    Quest Milk Thistle 150mg (60tabs) - Liver Protection & Detoxification  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 20.10 €
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    Solgar Milk Thistle Herbs Extract (60veg.caps) - Liver Protection, Detoxification  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 26.59 €
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    Lamberts Milk Thistle 6250mg (90tabs) - Liver Protection & Detoxification  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 22.72 €
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    A.Vogel Milk Thistle (60tabs) - Milk Thistle for Liver Detox  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 16.63 €
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    Health Aid Milk Thistle 500mg (30veg.tabs) - Thistle, Liver Health  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 13.82 €
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    Health Aid Milk Thistle Liquid (50ml) - Thistle in drops, Liver Health  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 11.38 €
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    Now Foods Silymarin Milk Thistle Extract 150mg (60veg.caps) - Thistle, Liver Health  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 14.69 €
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    A. Vogel Milk Thistle Oral Drops (50ml) - Milk Thistle for Liver Detox  Liver Detoxification
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    Price: 15.09 €
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    Terranova Milk Thistle 500mg (50veg.caps) - Milk Thistle for Liver Protection  Liver Detoxification
    Price: 26.68 €

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Thistle: Ally for liver health

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body, its main role in the body is to clean the blood before it reaches the other organs and at the same time to detoxify chemicals from the body and turn them into waste. In fact, it is the only organ that has the ability to regenerate, but it is also one of the organs that suffers and is damaged the most due to poor nutrition and toxic habits. 

Detoxification is very important to get rid of all possible toxins found in our body. Deposition of toxins in the body can happen in many ways, such as eating too much processed food or through the environment. 

For all the above reasons, we understand that the proper functioning of the liver is very important for the general health of the person. Of the supplements used to enhance liver function, those with milk thistle are the most popular, as this superfood has been widely researched since ancient times.

The active substance of milk thistle is silymarin, a mixture of flavonolignans, which is the determining factor for the herb's detoxifying action and to which it owes its effectiveness. Milk thistle berries are the only source of silymarin in the entire plant kingdom. It helps to regenerate damaged liver cells and large parts of tissues, activating protein synthesis in liver cells by increasing the activity of genetic material (DNA-RNA). At the same time, it protects the liver cells, preventing toxins from entering them and neutralizing toxins that have already entered.
If you want to support the health of the liver, on our page you can find the best quality milk thistle supplements from the most famous companies (Superfoods, Solgar, Quest, Now, Lamberts, etc.).