Horse Chestnut
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Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut: The herb for varicose veins, blood vessels, phlebitis and cellulite!
Horse Chestnut or Horse Chestnut - (Aesculus hippocastanum), is a large deciduous tree with jagged leaves and white, pink flowers that is found mainly in the Balkans.
But beyond its incredible beauty, the horse chestnut contains ingredients with unique healing properties. Like about 70% of plants - trees that are considered herbs for humans, this tree also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Active substances
Wild chestnuts contain starch, sugars, oil, ash, tannins, phytosterols, saponins, glycosides, esculin (3%), flavonoids, fiber, minerals and trace elements, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and sulfur and vitamins A , B1, B2, K and C. The leaves and bark contain coumarin, esculin, saponin, tannin and flavonoids.
It is astringent and circulatory stimulant. The horse chestnut targets exactly where it should, the vessels! It dramatically increases the strength of the veins and stimulates them. It fills them with elasticity and makes them flexible and strong.
It helps the body to decongest itself from the stress of the veins while giving strength and endurance. So it effectively treats problems in the treatment of phlebitis (all inflammations of the veins) in the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
It helps to strengthen the walls of the veins, which if relaxed or swollen, can cause varicose veins, hemorrhoids or other similar problems.
Reduces fluid retention and helps reabsorb excess fluid from the circulatory system.
Other problems in which benefit has been observed: leg ulcers, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, frostbite, cases of whooping cough even for rheumatism.