What is acne and what can be the causes of its appearance?
You will often find it characterized as a "disease of adolescence", but the truth is that acne can continue even later during adult life. But what is acne? Acne is a dermatological condition that appears when oil and dead skin cells clog pores. The mild form of acne is characterized by red spots, while in more severe cases the spots may cover the face, neck, chest and even the back. The spots can be large, solid but also painful at times.
Where could it be due to?
Adolescent acne is primarily caused by hormonal changes, while adult acne can it is caused by a number of factors such as heredity, rapid weight gain, atmospheric pollution, smoking, modern lifestyle (unbalanced diet, stress), medication, use of oily cosmetics. Also, women may experience acne after the age of 30 due to PMS, pregnancy or menopause.
How is it treated?
Regardless of the intensity of the problem, the first and most important step >to treat it
is to visit your dermatologist. The doctor will determine the (pharmaceutical) treatment that suits your case .
However, there are specialized series of daily products (cleansing soaps, lotions, day creams) that can be used in parallel, in addition or even after the completion of the treatment.
The series Effaclar by La Roche Posay, Cleanance by Avene, Castalia's Dermopure, bioderma's Sebium and Frezyderm's Ac-Norm ensure improved action and safety while at the same time combining with pharmaceutical treatments, immediately improving the appearance of the skin.