Orthopedic belts to relieve back pain
Sedentary life, wrong body posture, long hours in front of the computer as well as lack of exercise are some of the causes that often cause us back pain. In fact, studies show that an increased percentage of people reaching 75% have occasional or permanent problems with their back, which is the second main reason for their visit to the orthopedist. The "back" (lumbar spine or the lower part of the spine ) is a complex structure that connects the upper part of the trunk with the lower one and consists of bones (vertebrae), joints, muscles, ligaments and discs. The normal functionality of the lumbar spine is necessary in almost all daily activities. Damage to one or more of the elements that make it up due to an accident or alteration over the years can cause pain, which hinders activities, reduces the ability to work as well as the quality of life.
The most common injury of the waist is:
Painful syndromes
Intervertebral discs are the source of severe pain in the lumbar spine. The intervertebral discs, located between each vertebra, are elastic structures that act as springs and shock absorbers, allowing movement between the individual vertebrae. If these discs begin to degenerate, the joints of the spine will begin to wear out over time and the vertebrae will be compressed, changing the width of the holes through which the nerves pass. These changes cause painful nerve irritation and back pain due to the muscle tension that develops. Sometimes the pain radiates along the buttock and upper leg - the term "lumbago" is used if the pain is severe and sharp. Strong painkillers and clinical rest help in this acute phase. An orthopedic waist belt. and physical therapy is often quite effective
Herniated disc
In advanced stages, due to use and wear and tear, the fibrous rings of the disc rupture, allowing the core of the discs to escape and causing irritation to the spinal nerves. The result is an extremely painful tension in the lower back muscles, making movement almost impossible. The pain can be reflected down into the buttocks and legs, causing neurological disturbances such as paresthesia and numbness. Strong pain relievers help relieve the pain of an acute herniated disc. Physical therapy should be started when acute symptoms subside. Back support is also an important part of the treatment.
Futuro orthopedic waist belts, designed in collaboration with specialized medical personnel, support the lumbar spine and provide relief by reducing back pain that may have been caused by accidents or sports injuries.