Royal Jelly

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    Μη διαθέσιμο
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    Bionat EnergySint (10x15ml) - Stimulation & Energy  Amino acids
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    Forte Pharma Forte Royal Dynamisant (20 ampoules x 10ml) - Immune Strengthening  Stimulation
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Royal Jelly

Royal jelly: elixir of health and youth

Royal jelly is a creamy substance produced by bees as food for the future queen. It is secreted by special glands in the pharynx of worker bees and in this respect differs from honey, since it is not secreted by the bees' body. 

royal jelly

What does it contain?

It contains 67% water, 15.5% protein, 12.5% sugars and 4% lipids and mineral salts.
What gives royal jelly amazing properties is the abundance of B vitamins that are crucial for the good functioning not only of the nervous system but also of the entire organism. In particular, it contains thiamine B1 3.9mg, riboflavin B2 26.5mg, niacin B3 84mg, pantotheic acid 186mg, pyridoxine B6 2.4mg, inositol 100mg, biotin 1.7mg, folic acid 0.2mg.

It also contains in smaller quantities vitamins C, D, A, E, as well as substances, such as acetylcholine which is found in an amount above 1 mg/gr and which has vasodilating properties useful for the treatment of circulatory disorders found in elderly people.< br />
Royal pulp is considered an elixir of health and youth and not without reason since it is a "bomb" of valuable ingredients .
The benefits

It has been shown to have numerous functional properties such as antibacterial activity, anti-inflammatory activity, vasodilator and hypotensive activity, disinfectant activity, antioxidant activity, anti-hypercholesterolemic and anti-cancer activity.

Royal jelly provides a number of nutritional, energetic and metabolic benefits. It affects longevity, helps maintain health, beauty and youth, the various functions of the body and increases resistance to disease.

In more detail it is used:
  • for the prevention of seasonal viruses
  • against depression, anxiety, stress
  • against constipation
  • against impotence and sterility
  • against symptoms related to menopause
  • against atherosclerosis (control of cholesterol levels)
  • anti-fatigue
  • against malnutrition
  • against hypertension
  • in old age
  • to strengthen the immune system and due to the antimicrobial effect
  • against headache
  • reduces the risk of coronary heart disease
  • reduces cholesterol levels
  • against bone fractures
  • anti-inflammatory
  • improves memory beneficial in cases of reduced memory