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    Lamberts Performance Energy Drink Orange (1000gr) - Electrolytes and Carbohydrate Complexes, Orange  During Training
    Price: 29.34 €
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    High 5 Zero Sports Berry (20eff.tabs) - Electrolyte energy tablets  Slimming - Weight Loss
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    GU Energy Gel Roctane Caffeine Sea Salt Chocolate (32gr) - Energy Gel (Salt - Chocolate)  Pre - Training
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    Price: 3.17 €
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    Powerbar PowerGel Original Green Apple Caffeine (41gr) - Carbohydrate Gel with Caffeine (Green Apple Flavor)  Pre - Training
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    PowerBar IsoActive Lemon (600gr) - Electrolyte energy drink (lemon flavor)  Pre - Training
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    PowerBar IsoActive Red Fruit Punch (600gr) - Electrolyte energy drink (red fruit flavor)  Pre - Training
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    PowerBar IsoActive Lemon (1320gr) - Electrolyte energy drink (lemon flavor)  Pre - Training
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    PowerBar 5 Electrolytes Black Currant (10eff.tabs) - Blackcurrant Flavored Electrolyte Supplement  Pre - Training
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    PowerBar 5 Electrolytes Lemon Tonic Boost Caffeine 10tabs  Pre - Training
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    GU Energy Gel Caffeine Tri-Berry (32gr) - Energy gel (3 types of berries)  Pre - Training
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    GU Energy Gel Salted Caramel With Caffeine (32gr) - Energy Gel, Salted Caramel  Pre - Training
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    High 5 Zero Sports Tropical (20eff.tabs) - Electrolyte Energy Tablets  Pre - Training
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    Menarini Sustenium Energy Sport (10sachets) - Hydration and muscle recovery  Electrolytes
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    High 5 Zero Sports Citrus (20eff.tabs) - Electrolyte Energy Tablets  Pre - Training
    Price: 6.47 €
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    High 5 ZERO Protect Orange & Echinacea (20eff.tabs) - Electrolyte & Immune Boosting Tablets  Pre - Training
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    Price: 6.47 €
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    InoPlus Ginseng Guarana & Vitamin C (20 eff.tabs) - Electrolytes, Hydration  During Training
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    High 5 Zero Caffeine Hit Berry (20eff.tabs) - Electrolyte Sports Drink (Berry Flavor)  Pre - Training
    Price: 6.47 €

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Electrolytes and their role in sports

If you are involved in sports, then you have surely heard about electrolytes and that your body needs to replenish the electrolytes it loses during exercise. But what are electrolytes and why should we keep them stable during training?

electrolytes athletes sweating

What are the main electrolytes lost with exercise?

Electrolytes are just a class of metals that carry an electrical charge and are found in blood, urine, sweat and other body fluids. They are not there for nothing: one of their actions is to regulate the distribution of water and fluids in the body. In addition, they affect blood pH and contribute to the stimulation of muscle and nerve cells. 


It is the electrolyte that is lost to the greatest extent when we sweat. Salt (in small amounts) helps the body retain water, maintaining the necessary levels of hydration for longer. 


We usually find it in combination with sodium (salt, after all, is officially called sodium chloride) in various processed foods, such as deli meats, ready-made salads, ready-made soups and chips. Chlorine is necessary to maintain body fluid balance, blood volume, blood pressure, and pH levels of body fluids


One hour of hard training results in the loss of 200-600 mg of potassium, which supports cell and heart function, regulates blood pressure, prevents bone loss and kidney stone formation, while also playing an important role in muscle function.

As strange as it sounds, milk is the ideal "drink" for post-workout hydration. Milk provides carbohydrates, calcium, sodium as well as potassium and quality proteins, so it helps muscle recovery.


Magnesium supports muscle function, nerve function, enzyme activation and bone growth. Magnesium is also particularly useful in preventing fatigue. When magnesium levels are low, the body requires more oxygen and more energy during physical activity, so we tire more easily.
What is their role in exercise? 

When training is long and intense, the muscles draw more and more energy from the body's energy reserves, producing heat at the same time. The body, in its attempt to maintain a stable internal temperature, expels water through sweating...but along with the water, it also expels the electrolytes that are dissolved in it.

If these losses are not replaced, a deficiency occurs resulting in severe dehydration and the appearance of symptoms of gradual exhaustion such as reduced performance, headache, weakness, dizziness, cramps, but also muscle spasms or nausea in extreme weather conditions. Good hydration during exercise has been extensively studied in research, as it improves the performance and also the good physical condition of the athlete
In our online pharmacy you will find electrolytes from branded companies (High5, Zipvit, GU Energy, Power Health, Lanes) and always at Skroutz's best prices.