How do I take care of a minor burn?
Minor burns, or as they are commonly called first degree burns, are easy to happen in the home and often cause disruption to the family. The causes can be many, from accidents in the kitchen to hot water in the bathroom, but often also from the sun. Correct and immediate treatment is important and they can be easily treated at home with basic first aid, but for more serious burns you should see a doctor.
What are burns?
A burn is a skin injury that occurs after contact with a hot surface, flame or other substance such as boiling water or excessive exposure to the sun. Burns can also be caused by exposure to high levels of electricity or chemicals. First degree burns are usually superficial skin lesions that do not extend deeper than the top layer of skin. Although they can be painful, in most cases they can be treated at home. They are often characterized by pain, redness, slight swelling and dryness, but without blisters.
How can you treat a minor burn?
As a first step, remove any clothing or jewelry near the burn and cool the painful area with plenty of running water for about 10-20 minutes. Do not break small blisters that may have formed. For sunburn, skip this step.
Spread some cream, gel or foam that cools and moisturizes.. When your skin burns, it loses its ability to maintain adequate moisture levels, so it is very important to keep the area moisturized. Cover the affected area with plastic wrap or gauze to protect the affected skin.
Keep the area clean and moisturized while it heals. If the pain is intense then can be treated with painkillers, consult your pharmacist. Pain is expected to subside within 2-3 days.
At Bepanthol, Avene, Korres, Weleda, Bioderma, Panthenol, Flogo and Pharmasept you can find specialized products with regenerative and moisturizing properties that help care for and heal skin with burns.