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Musget or fenugreek

Fenugreek is an annual, leafy green plant with small white flowers. It belongs to the Fabaceae family and comes from Southern Europe, the Mediterranean and Western Asia. The name comes from the Latin phrase foenum graecum meaning Greek grass.


A Little History

Nutmeg or fenugreek is an herb known from the depths of the centuries.
The seeds of the herb have been found since 4000 BC, while its leaves are mentioned as an aid to childbirth and it was cultivated in ancient Syria from the 6th century BC. Hippocrates used it as an emollient antiseptic and for uterine ailments. Dioskouridis mentions it under the names tilis, bukeras, aigokeras, aigikeras, keraitis.

In China we find fenugreek under the name Hu Lu Ba and they use it for abdominal pain, while the seeds of the plant are considered an excellent aphrodisiac and for this reason the Chinese used and still use fenugreek seeds to treat male impotence.


  • Helps in better assimilation of food
  • It is especially valuable in cases of sudden weight loss (e.g. after an exhausting diet) or when there is a reduced appetite
  • It can help elderly people with severe loss of muscle mass
  • Relieves the symptoms of menopause
  • Helps in cases of digestive problems
  • In the treatment of diabetes 
  • In the treatment of skin inflammations and infections