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Effectively control appetite!

Garcinia Cambogia is a small fruit, about the size of an orange, that grows in South-East Asia. It has been used by the local populations, for nutritional and medicinal purposes.


What is hydroxycitric acid?

The ingredient that makes Garcinia Cambogia an excellent weight loss aid is an active ingredient contained in its peel. This active ingredient is called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA).

How does it work?
  • Preventively, reducing appetite, thus preventing calorie intake and by extension weight gain.
  • Prevents in a completely natural way the formation of fat, reducing dietary fat, i.e. the fat that has been consumed by the person through his meals, as well as the carbohydrates from being converted into fat that will be stored later on the various disputed parts of the body (abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms).