CBD - Medical Cannabis

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    Lifelab AM+ 5% (10ml) - Hemp Oil, Stimulation & Wellness  Anxiety - Stress
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CBD - Medical Cannabis

Medical cannabis has been used for thousands of years in various cultures due to its multiple therapeutic properties. It finds application in a wide range of medical conditions, and is primarily associated with alleviating physical and mental ailments, as well as keeping the entire organism in balance.

The action of medicinal cannabis is due to its content of cannabinoids, components which potentially have multiple benefits such as pain relief, stress management, mood improvement, increased appetite and energy, reduction of nausea and strengthening of the immune system .

The main cannabinoid that is also used in food supplements is Cannabidiol (Cannabidiol) is associated with beneficial actions that promote the balance and well-being of the body and at the same time help in a series of pathological conditions. It is a non-psychoactive and non-addictive substance, and can be taken at any time of the day.

Find on Pharmnet medical cannabis supplements for physical and mental balance!