Elastic socks - pantyhose
Elastic stockings (or more correctly, "graded compression elastic stockings") are the first line of
treatment of venous insufficiency but also a necessary supplement in any form of treatment of all stages of this disease.
In what cases are they used:
- In "phlebitis" (or varicose veins), for its treatment both preoperatively and postoperatively
- In venous ulcer, they decisively contribute to its healing
- In chronic venous insufficiency when it does not need surgical or invasive treatment for treatment but also to prevent its worsening
They are called graduated compression socks because
the pressure they apply along the lower leg is not uniform. The maximum pressure is applied in the ankle area and decreases in the shin and even more in the thigh.
The pressure exerted by the elastic socks on the ankle determines the intended use and is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Based on this pressure, socks are classified into four classes, from class I to class IV
At pharmet we offer you Varisan's internationally certified socks. They are available in various sizes with a wide variety of colors covering all classes. Discover the Varisan catalogue.