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    WELEDA Stilltee (40gr) - Breastfeeding tea  Pregnancy Vitamins
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    WELEDA Stilltee (40gr) - Breastfeeding tea Weleda Pregnancy Vitamins
    Price: 7.71 €


What nutrients should a nursing mother's diet contain?

Breastfeeding... The most sacred moment between the infant and the mother. Survival instinct or need for strong psychosomatic contact? Experts support both! It is no coincidence that it is the personal goal of every new mother. span>to want to offer the best to her baby. Anything that can make her milk richer, more energizing for her baby to have the best development is necessary!In terms of calories, the energy needs of a nursing mother are increased by about 300 to 500 more calories compared to normal,  but these calories must be of quality, that is, they must come from pure foods of high nutritional value.

So your diet should be rich in:

Foods rich in calcium are milk and other dairy products, soy, rice and bread. The recommended dose for women before, during and after pregnancy is 1,000 mg daily.

Vitamin D
In addition to calcium, vitamin D plays an equally important role in the formation of the skeleton and is also necessary for the body to absorb calcium adequately. The mother can easily ensure vitamin D sufficiency thanks to exposure to the sun for a few minutes a day.

Adequate iron intake is essential for the new mother to avoid fatigue. To meet her body's iron needs, her diet should include red meat, poultry and dark green leafy vegetables.

DHA belongs to the Ω3 fatty acids  and playsa very important role inbrain development during infancy. The DHA content of your breast milk depends on your diet, so it is important to include fish and seafood in your diet as they are an excellent source of protein and ω3-fatty acids. Consumption of 200-300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day is required.If you estimate that your does not cover a large percentage of the necessary ingredients, you can discuss with your doctor about taking a food supplement.  
There are specialized multivitamin and mineral formulas (Solgar, Power Health, Vitabiotics, Lamberts, Quest) that when taken during lactation , help with fetal development and optimize the health and well-being of the mother.