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    InoPlus Tea Tree Oil (50ml) - White Oil for Acne and Fungal Problems  Acne
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    InoPlus Tea Tree Cream (50gr) - Melalefkis Cream for Acne, Fungal & Itching Problems  Acne
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    InoPlus Tea Tree Cream (50gr) - Melalefkis Cream for Acne, Fungal & Itching Problems InoPlus Acne
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What is ? Mycosis?

Fungal infections are infections of the external, usually, layers of the skin, while less often they also affect internal organs. Depending on the fungus that has caused the infection, fungal infections of the skin are distinguished into dermatophytes, candidiasis, pytrosporosis and unusual, caused by rare species of fungi.

What are fungi?

Fungi, in general, are single-celled plant organisms and show enormous diversity. They are everywhere, living both in soil, water and air, while several of them live normally as parasites in the human body, without causing any harmful disease. However, conditions of high temperature and humidity create a favorable environment for the growth of the fungus, ultimately leading to fungal infections. In fact, when the person's immune system is not strong, the appearance of fungal infections is more frequent.

How do we recognize them?

Fungus on the feet

Fungi appear more on the feet, the feet are warm and moist, and this is the right environment for their growth. Among the most common skin mycosis is "athlete's foot",  which has received this name because its frequency is greater among athletes.

Fungus between the toes

Fungus between the toes can be recognized by flakes, white softening of the skin, cracking, redness or blisters in the affected area.


If you don't take care of your feet, the fungus can also affect your nails.

Tips for  the prevention of fungal infections

  • Avoid walking barefoot on wet surfaces. Do not share shoes, clothes or towels.
  • If you tend to go to the pool or the beach, don't wear wet clothes for a long time.
  • Dry your body well and pay special attention to the areas between your toes, groin and any skin folds. Do not rub vigorously. It is best to press the towel firmly on the specific areas using gentle movements until all the moisture is removed. It's not good to hurt your skin because it can make it more vulnerable to fungus.
  • If your feet sweat, it is much better to use antiperspirant powder. Your socks should be cotton to prevent moisture and heat retention.
  • Another possible option is to use a hair dryer to dry the spots between your toes.
  • Maintain good hygiene for your whole body. Avoid clothing that does not allow proper ventilation. Tight pants increase the temperature and humidity in the genital area, which facilitates the occurrence of fungal infections.
  • Preferably use soaps with a neutral pH. As a result, you will have cleanliness that does not harm your skin, which contributes to a more effective fight against microorganisms.
  • Never give a pedicure without using your own tools, otherwise you are likely to get infected with pesky fungi. 
Lactacyd, Bio-Kult, Health Aid, A. Vogel, Nature's Plus and Viogenesis have a wide variety of gels, ointments and creams with antifungal agents to properly care for your feet.